April 12, 2023
The flood warning for the Moira, Salmon and Napanee watersheds has been lifted. Water levels on rivers and lakes in the Quinte watershed have peaked and are slowly declining below bankfull levels. Temperatures will be warm for the next 5 days with no significant rainfall. The remaining snowpack in northern forested areas of the watershed will melt this week and will contribute to the slow decline of water levels. No flooding is expected.
The Black, Skootamatta, and Moira Rivers as well as Stoco Lake exceeded bankfull conditions this spring. Flooding impacted some properties, septics, and buildings over the weekend. Water levels were comparable to 2017 and 2019 in the Moira watershed. No significant flooding was measured on the Salmon and Napanee Rivers.
All remaining ice surfaces should be considered unstable due to warming temperatures and higher flows. The public is advised to exercise extreme caution when near rivers and waterbodies and to stay away from open and fast flowing water, culverts, dams, ice covered water, and banks.
Staff will continue to monitor conditions. For current water levels or to report changes in water levels, residents are encouraged to visit
A WATER SAFETY STATEMENT indicates that high flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for users such as anglers, boaters, swimmers, children, or pets. Flooding is not expected.
This message will be in effect until (or updated before) April 19, 2023.
Quinte Conservation is a community-based environmental protection agency. It serves 18 municipalities in the watersheds of the Moira, Napanee and Salmon Rivers and Prince Edward County. It provides cost-effective environmental expertise and leadership. Quinte Conservation’s main goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem where people and nature live in harmony. More information about Quinte Conservation is available at