Local municipalities are working together to transition to the new provincial recycling program set to start this summer.
Under the new program your current recycling collection day could change.
Producer-responsibility residential recycling collection begins July 17 with the management of local blue box recycling programs transitioning from Quinte Waste Solutions to Circular Materials Ontario (CMO).
Provincial legislation is requiring businesses that sell packaging and paper products to be responsible for collecting, processing and recycling those materials.
CMO has contracted Environmental 360 Solutions (E360S) to provide curbside residential recycling collection for all nine municipalities that are members of Quinte Waste Solutions – the City of Belleville, City of Quinte West, Madoc Township, Municipality of Centre Hastings, Municipality of Marmora and Lake, Municipality of Tweed, Prince Edward County, Township of Stirling-Rawdon, and Tyendinaga Township.
While curbside residential recycling collection will continue in all nine municipalities, your curbside collection day may change starting mid-July.
Any changes to your collection service will be communicated by your municipality starting this spring.
All recyclable materials currently collected will continue to be collected and additional materials may be collected at the discretion of Circular Materials Ontario and E360S.
Residents will still have access to household hazardous waste (HHW) disposal at the HHW depot, located on Wallbridge Crescent in Belleville, and through mobile community events hosted in the member municipalities.
Industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) collection (i.e. places of worship, BIAs and not-for-profit organizations) is currently handled a variety of ways across the nine member municipalities. Any changes to your local ICI collection will be communicated by your municipality starting this spring.
You may begin to see and hear recycling information from Circular Materials Ontario through communication channels in your community beginning in May.
Resources and quick links to learn more about the Producer Responsibility recycling