Prince Edward County farmer Lloyd Crowe says there not a lot for him to complain about right now when it comes to how the crops are coming along.
Crowe, who is also District 13 Director of the Grain Farmers of Ontario, says though there was some heavy rain early in the spring, it was actually one of the driest springs he can remember.
And while there hasn’t been a lot of consistent rain, when it has fallen, the ground has been well soaked.
One to two inches of rain fell around the region on the weekend.
He says wheat is ready to come off the fields now and looks good.
“It doesn’t like rainy, humid weather so the idea is to get it off, even if we have to dry it, which it looks like we may have to dry it. Unless the weather really changes so there’s no rain for a week.”
Soy beans and corn also growing well this summer.
Corn is looking especially good.
“I’ve never seen it look so even and nice and lush and that’s something. For this time of year, for our area, like, you’d think we were in the Corn Belt in the U.S. It just looks so good.”
The corn is expected to tassel in the next week or so and the cobs will begin showing.
He adds prices are also rising a little which is good news for farmers.