The City of Quinte West is looking to become a Bee City.
Council recently approved a recommendation by the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee that the City apply to become a certified Bee City.
Staff have been reviewing programs that support the biodiversity within Quinte West.
Bee City Canada states that bees are responsible for pollinating about one-sixth of the flowering plant species worldwide, pollinate approximately 400 agricultural plants, and that one out of every three bites of food you eat, is made possible because of pollinators.
Certified Bee City communities commit to creating, maintaining and/or improving pollinator habitat; educating their community, students, employees and/or customers about the importance of pollinators and celebrating pollinators during National Pollinator Week or at other times of year.
During the application process, municipalities are required to create a Municipal Pollinator Habitat Plan with specific and attainable annual targets to increase pollinator safe lands.
The Buster Alyea Park and in partnership with the Lower Trent Conservation rehabilitation efforts the City of Quinte West already aligns with the Bee City mission.
In addition, the City has, for a number of years, had a seedling giveaway program, a tree planting program, and a Tree Canopy and Natural Vegetation Policy.
Belleville and Trent Hills are among the Ontario communities that have been declared Bee Cities since 2016.
As of 2024, Bee City Canada has more than 180 members from coast to coast.